Ξουράφη, Λ.,(2022). «Ένα καινούργιο βλέμμα». Αφηγήσεις του διαλογικού και ενσώματου εαυτού. Κείμενα Εργασίας του ‘Λόγω Ψυχής’- Ινστιτούτο Εκπαίδευσης και Έρευνας στη Συστημική Ψυχοθεραπεία. (ISSN 2441-2778 on–line), Νο 2022/4, Αθήνα.
"Exploring psychological vulnerability and responses to the COVID-19 lockdown in Greece", (Lydia Xourafi, Polyxeni Sardi and Anastasia Kostaki) - Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2022 (Vol. 20), pp. 1 - 22, 2022
"All about clouds": Voices of love and hate in the letters of Vladimir Mayakovsky", (Valia Mastorodemou, Gina Patsarinou, Lydia Xourafi) - Dialogical Self Conference 2021/ Conference Journal "Dialogicality. Personal, local and planetary dialogue in education, health citizenship and research.", 2021
"Explaining Psychological Vulnerability and Responses to COVID-19 Lockdown in Greece 2020" (Lydia Xourafi & Anastasia Kostaki) - Poster Presentation VIENNA INSTINTUTE OF DEMOGRAPHY - "DEMOGRAPHIC ASPECTS OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND ITS CONSEQUENCES" CONFERENCE, 2020
"Beyond Precarity: Dreaming Images from the Future", Poster Presentation - Play Perform Learn Grow Conference 2019
"Το αίσθημα του Μετέωρου: Αφηγήσεις νέων μεταξύ ανεργίας και υποαπασχόλησης", Poster Presentation - 7ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Συμβουλευτικής Ψυχολογίας, 2018
"Precarity and Participatory Artistic Activities" - Presentation - Play Perform Learn Grow 2018 Conference 2018
"Greek Refugee Children Transition to Greek School Contexts" - Greek Council for Refugees Social Unit Research Report 2018
"Territorial and Urban Potentials Connected to Migration and Refugee Flows - Case Study: Greece", ESPON Report 2017-18 (www.espon.eu/migration)
"Unemployment and Attachment Representations" (Lydia Xourafi & Elia Psouni), Master Thesis, Lund University - Poster Presentation, Nordic Attachment Network Conference / Copenhagen 2017